Partnering with Shelters and Rescues to Save More Lives!

Chance Christmas, the little four-month-old puppy who wandered into a Michigan City backyard Christmas evening with two fractured hips and a snout strapped closed with electrical tape — is making a full recovery.
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Edwin came from the Safe Humane Court Case Program and was a victim of severe abuse and neglect. He suffered as a bait dog for his first 6 or 7 years of his life and has the scars to prove it. Thanks to Guardians, Edwin got a second chance!
For further updates on
Edwin check out his facebook page.

Guardians are ready to grow to the next step. We would like to raise the funds needed to purchase property that is 20 acres, Located in Unincorporated Valparaiso the property is already set up with a 12 stall barn. And the plans will include a pole barn that could be an isolation area, we will be able to pull animals and keep them under our care for two weeks. This is a very important part of the process to do assessments and place them in the right foster homes, future plans will include a building that would be used for socialization, training, and even a place where Foster's can bring their Foster dog during the day for playgroups. One of the first things we would like to implement is to be able to have an area designated for emergency calls, We can work with the battered women shelters in Lake and Porter County where women come with their pets, we would go pick them up and give them a safe place to stay while she is there getting help. Statistics show that 99% of all domestic violence includes the animals in the home, Women are often afraid to leave the abusers because they have nowhere to leave their pets. and if left with the abuser the animals are at risk to die. We currently have a goal of $400,000 that would help purchase the property and also give us extra money for the remodeling. We have $32,000 currently in the bank! Help us get a permanent home to save more lives. Click the button "DONATE" to DONATE!